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 Airline Tycoon DeluxereleaseBack
   (1 vote)
Filesize:7.46 Mb
Added:Feb 27, 2019
Updated:Feb 27, 2019
Package Author: ptitSeb
Airline Tycoon Deluxe is a funny economy simulation proceeding in realtime and assigning you the complete responsibility for an airline. However, don’t be fooled by the funny comic style or the included jokes: A variety of tasks are requested and your competitors never miss a chance to set a trap for you in order to put a spoke in your wheel.

You will need the data from the Full version to play this PND.
If you have the gog linux version, the data can be extracted from the .sh file automaticaly.
Other versions may work, but you'll need to copy the data yourself.
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Here is a Launcher for Airline Tycoon Deluxe

This is just a launcher for the Linux version of the game, so you'll need to have the original game. Either put the gog shell script installer in appdata/atdeluxe (it will be detected and data autoextracted is name is gog_airline_tycoon_deluxe_*.sh) or copy the whole files of an already installed copy.

The first screen to select languages is way to big for the Pandora, and only English, German and French are on screen... Language selection is stored in appdata/atdeluxe/home/.AirlineTycoonDeluxe/language.ini The rest of the game is fullscreen and fit the screen.

Note that if extracting gog data on a FAT32 SDCard, the game will take more space that it should: the archive contains a lot of symlink for the different languages and symlink are not supported on FAT32 and the extractor will fall back to copying the file instead of symlink...

(This is the first PND using Box86. I'll create a full thread about Box86 later. Just a warning, current Box86 doesn't include any JIT, so it can be slow, and still contains bugs... You've been warned.)

There seems to be a bug in Box86, the intro movie have no sound. Rest of the game is fine, with sound and music (but I suggest you disable Screen transition effect)

History log
Build 01
* Use vanilla Linux version, with Box86
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