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 Cataclysm roguelikereleaseBack
   (4 votes)
Filesize:8.68 Mb
Added:Nov 25, 2012
Updated:Jul 16, 2014
Package Author: ptitSeb
It is the day after tomorrow, humanity is dying, and the zombie race is taking over the land. You have survived the initial cataclysm and now you must survive with what little skills and talents you have. Your first order of business is to find tools and weapons.

But be quick about it, the zombies are approaching, you can hear them in the distance. Then you need to decide what to do next. You can flit from house to house in the neighborhood, hoping to not run into any trouble. You can hit up a library, and read some books to increase your skills.

If you are lucky, you may know of a compound nearby where surivors are gathering. If not, you may want to start hiking. But remember, zombies aren't the only things out there. Just be sure to bring provisions.

Also remember to keep your spirits up! If you don't you will never survive. Without good spirits you won't have the gumption to learn or do anything productive at all! After all, what is the point in existing in such a saddened state?

But if you can survive you will become innured to the hardships, and may find exciting things such as bionics, which can give you amazing powers not usually seen in mortal hands.
Or if you are really lucky, you may find a radioactive site, decide to chance fate, and gain a mutation. Usually bad, but sometimes very very good. Who knows, the choice is yours.

A graphic TILES mod is also included.

The 2 versions shares the same "save" folder.
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Additional Info
This game is a Text only Terminal Rogue Like game, but some graphics are possible with the Tiles Mod.

History log:

Build 06
* Removed Dark Days Ahead from package as it will have its own PND.

Build 05
* Updated Dark Days Ahead mod with latest sources
* DDA is now Fullscreen, using SDL (still character based)
* Ported Tiles mod to GLES. It's faster now (engine is still outdated)

Build 04

* Updated original Cataclysm with latest git (17/02/2013)
* Updated Dark Days Ahead mod with latest sources (17/02/2013)
* Change Tiles to Deon's tileset rev7, resized to 16x16 for better redeability
* Enabled "X11 forwarding", see there for info about that: http://boards.openpandora.org/index.php/topic/11870-using-pandora-from-windows-with-ssh-and-x11-forwarding
* Should be "Slackware friendly"

Build 03

* Added Mod by TheDarklingWolf (sources from 27/12/2012).
* Added back the orignal Cataclism from Whales
* Moved the "options.txt" (for Whales & Wolf, Tiles don't have one) to save (from data).
* All 3 versions share the same data & save folder

Build 02 and older
see main thread

A thread is open here: http://boards.openpandora.org/index.php/topic/14086-cataclysm-roguelike/
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16/11/2014 03:28 UTC
I have a big problem with this one. I keep dying. It is really fun, and I love it, I just wish I could get a little further through the game before I get munched on. It worked great for me from the moment I installed. Thanks for bringing this to us, ptitSeb!
14/07/2014 16:22 UTC
Sure, I'll update soon (beware if you compile it yourself, it's a super long compile!)
14/07/2014 16:01 UTC
There's been a *ton* of enhancements in the latest version of DDA... if you get a chance to update it'd be super awesome *nice*. Otherwise I don't mind building it myself, but thought others might enjoy. Check this game out!
20/08/2013 21:42 UTC
Don't have much time for playing, but thanks for the update. Seems t work fine, though the preset characters in DDA crash the game.
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