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 Chicken Invaders 2: The Next Wawe - DemoreleaseBack
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Filesize:17.82 Mb
Added:Mar 29, 2020
Updated:Mar 29, 2020
Package Author: ptitSeb
Chicken Invaders 2: The Next Wave

This is the demo version of the casual shoot'em up from InterAction.

Just when you thought it was safe to eat chicken again, the chickens have returned with an organized invasion to take over the entire solar system! Journey to each planet and fight your way through to save the world (again)!
In the first chapter of the Chicken Invaders saga, you defended earth against an invasion of intergalactic chickens seeking revenge for the oppression of their earthly brethren. However, as you were clearing out the last of the chicken invaders and were looking forward to a double chicken burger special at the space burger bar, the true scale of the problem became apparent: the first invasion was simply a precursor to the chicken's main assault! Their master plan now becomes clear: to invade each planet in the solar system and make sure that it is inhabited exclusively by chickens!
The time has now come to don your teflon-coated, egg-repulsing helmet and make the biggest omelette you've ever made as you continue your adventure in the second chapter of Chicken Invaders: The Next Wave. Only you can make a difference. Will you succeed? Will the future of chicken burgers be secure? Or will you end up as part of the menu in a galactic chicken restaurant?
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Additional Info
Here is the Demo of Chicken Invaders: The Next Wave, a casual shoot'm up from InterAction

The game use box86 and gl4es. It should be fast on all Pandora model, and run with all SGX driver version (it use GLES1.1 backend).

History log
Build 01
* Initial build

A thread is open here: https://pyra-handheld.com/boards/threads/chicken-invaders-the-next-wave-demo.99026/
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