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 uPIM - A personal information managerreleaseBack
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Filesize:54.28 Mb
Added:Dec 17, 2013
Updated:May 12, 2014
Package Author: StreaK
Ultimate PIM for OpenPandora
Author: StreaK

What's PIM:
A personal information manager (often referred to as a PIM tool or, more simply, a PIM) is a type of application software that functions as a personal organizer. The acronym PIM is now, more commonly, used in reference to personal information management as a field of study.[1] As an information management tool, a PIM tool's purpose is to facilitate the recording, tracking, and management of certain types of "personal information".

Highlights of Ultimate PIM

[*] Calendar Agenda:
- To-Do lists for every day in calendar
- Notes for every day in calendar
- Saving+Copy+Cut+Paste functions in notes [only donators edition]
- Easy adjusting view
- Adding todos
- Deleting todos

[*] Syncing
- Syncing [Simple and Advanced] [only donators edition]
- Backing up your notes/todo's in ZIP file [only donators edition]

[*] Default Notepad
- Saving [only donators edition]
- Copy+Cut+Paste functions
- Additional options [only donators edition]
- Clipboard Monitor [only donators edition]
- Unlimited Different Note's

[*] Default To-Do
- Saving
- Adding todos
- Deleting todos
- Unlimited Different To Do's

[*] Contacts/emails
- Adding + Deleting contacts
- Saving Contacts [only donators edition]
- Run email client [only donators edition]
- Viewing Contact Summary

[*] Calculator [Work in progress] [only donators edition]

[*] Alarm(s) - Sound and PopUp Info [only donators edition]

[*] FileSearcher/FileManager
- Indexing all files on both SD cards
- Viewing files via fileseracher/filemanager
+ pdfs
+ videos [avi, rmvb, mkv, ogm, mp4, mpg]
+ txt
+ pictures [png, gif, jpg]
+ documents [doc, docx, rtf, abw]
+ music [mp3]

[*] WebLinks/Bookmarks
- Adding + Deleting bookmarks
- Saving bookmarks [only donators edition]
- Starting Bookmarks in WebBrowser

And many more:
- Integration with other programs [and plugins] [email clients + pdf readers]
- Created especially for OpenPandora screen and keys from ground up [large icons/optimal fit]
- F1-F10 keys used to easy navigate
- Clean and clever design

PIM is DonationWare software. There are basic functionality [like calendar + to-do list with saving enabled] but in most cases
saving is disabled. If You find this soft usefull, please donate any sum for further development, and after donating
i'll send You full/unlocked version of Ultimate PIM.

Additional info:
uPIM is author's [StreaK's] software, no single piece of GPL code was used in making this Ultimate PIM app.

Please read documentation for uPIM
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Package Contents (1) (hide/show)
Additional Info
Whats new:

Video: [Features preview]
(Video recorded using ScreenCaster EX)

In addition uPIM will be released on these platforms:
Linux [debian/ubuntu], Haiku-OS, Raspberry Pi [RaspBian]
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20/03/2014 19:47 UTC
Very promising software
09/02/2014 11:52 UTC
"built-in" sync: BitTorrent Sync [works with Linux / Raspberry Pi / Pandora]. Im using it a lot. Of course you can use any external CalDav sync on uPIM directory so it will be synced "externally"
09/02/2014 10:23 UTC
Is the sync option using CalDAV/LDAP, or is it something else? I wonder if it's compatible with DavMail.
30/01/2014 18:47 UTC
too bad this isnt open source!
15/01/2014 20:23 UTC
tieuphong, not really, but i've added a BitTorrent Sync in uPIM.
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