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 uPIM - A personal information managerreleaseBack
   (7 votes)
Filesize:54.28 Mb
Added:Dec 17, 2013
Updated:May 12, 2014
Package Author: StreaK
Ultimate PIM for OpenPandora
Author: StreaK

What's PIM:
A personal information manager (often referred to as a PIM tool or, more simply, a PIM) is a type of application software that functions as a personal organizer. The acronym PIM is now, more commonly, used in reference to personal information management as a field of study.[1] As an information management tool, a PIM tool's purpose is to facilitate the recording, tracking, and management of certain types of "personal information".

Highlights of Ultimate PIM

[*] Calendar Agenda:
- To-Do lists for every day in calendar
- Notes for every day in calendar
- Saving+Copy+Cut+Paste functions in notes [only donators edition]
- Easy adjusting view
- Adding todos
- Deleting todos

[*] Syncing
- Syncing [Simple and Advanced] [only donators edition]
- Backing up your notes/todo's in ZIP file [only donators edition]

[*] Default Notepad
- Saving [only donators edition]
- Copy+Cut+Paste functions
- Additional options [only donators edition]
- Clipboard Monitor [only donators edition]
- Unlimited Different Note's

[*] Default To-Do
- Saving
- Adding todos
- Deleting todos
- Unlimited Different To Do's

[*] Contacts/emails
- Adding + Deleting contacts
- Saving Contacts [only donators edition]
- Run email client [only donators edition]
- Viewing Contact Summary

[*] Calculator [Work in progress] [only donators edition]

[*] Alarm(s) - Sound and PopUp Info [only donators edition]

[*] FileSearcher/FileManager
- Indexing all files on both SD cards
- Viewing files via fileseracher/filemanager
+ pdfs
+ videos [avi, rmvb, mkv, ogm, mp4, mpg]
+ txt
+ pictures [png, gif, jpg]
+ documents [doc, docx, rtf, abw]
+ music [mp3]

[*] WebLinks/Bookmarks
- Adding + Deleting bookmarks
- Saving bookmarks [only donators edition]
- Starting Bookmarks in WebBrowser

And many more:
- Integration with other programs [and plugins] [email clients + pdf readers]
- Created especially for OpenPandora screen and keys from ground up [large icons/optimal fit]
- F1-F10 keys used to easy navigate
- Clean and clever design

PIM is DonationWare software. There are basic functionality [like calendar + to-do list with saving enabled] but in most cases
saving is disabled. If You find this soft usefull, please donate any sum for further development, and after donating
i'll send You full/unlocked version of Ultimate PIM.

Additional info:
uPIM is author's [StreaK's] software, no single piece of GPL code was used in making this Ultimate PIM app.

Please read documentation for uPIM
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Package Contents (1) (hide/show)
Additional Info
Whats new:

Video: [Features preview]
(Video recorded using ScreenCaster EX)

In addition uPIM will be released on these platforms:
Linux [debian/ubuntu], Haiku-OS, Raspberry Pi [RaspBian]
Preview Pics
30/12/2013 15:33 UTC
Can google cloud save implementationbe possible? Just curious...
23/12/2013 22:36 UTC
although this is still a work in progress its simple to use and is very very useful already, this is going to be essential when all its features are implimented
23/12/2013 10:19 UTC
I might reduce Ultimate PIM -> uPIM , but i want to keep ' A personal information manager'
23/12/2013 06:33 UTC
Please make the program name way shorter. It makes the menu bar super large, it's ridiculous :) Otherwise great program!
18/12/2013 15:44 UTC
+1 !.... Great looking PIM app....nice and clean graphics....easy to read and use quickly on Pandora.... Just what I've been looking for.... Per StreaK's comments on OpenPandora software forum, there's more good stuff to come on this app.... Thanks, StreaK!
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