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Added:Sep 20, 2015
Updated:Oct 18, 2016
Package Author: ptitSeb
FreeOrion is a free, open source, turn-based space empire and galactic conquest (4X) computer game being designed and built by the FreeOrion project. FreeOrion is inspired by the tradition of the Master of Orion games, but is not a clone or remake of that series or any other game.
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Additional Info
Here is FreeOrion, an open source tactical space trading and conquest game.

The game use glshim and the speed is ok (for turn by turn game), and also use Python so the wxPython.pnd must be present too.

The relatively low res screen of the Pandora make it quite difficult to play. By default, the game will be on 800x480, so some field may be out of screen. If you use "fake-screen-res" (on by default for Gigahertz and Rebirth), you can also choose 800x600 or 1024x600 virtual resolution. All dialog will fit the screen then, but some text will be more difficult to read.

At least but not least, this game use quite some memory, so a Swapfile is mandatory for CC user, and probably a good idea for Rebirth/Gigahertz.

The game as many parameters to tweak, so maybe the GUI can be adapted...

History log
Build 04
* Uptade to 0.4.6 sources
* Update libs
* Switch to Tremor instead of Vorbis for ogg

Build 03
* Falled back to 0.4.5 sources
* Removed lto (so "New Game" actually work)

Build 02
* Latest sources
* New build, with lto (may be slightly faster)
* wxPython should unmount correctly now at exit

Build 01
* Initial build
* Some Pandora adaptations (screen size / res)

A thread is open here: http://boards.openpandora.org/topic/18583-freeorion/
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07/10/2015 21:18 UTC
Played some more. Great game, even if unfinished and quite slow. Unmounts most of the time, can't say why it sometimes fails.
01/10/2015 06:22 UTC
Very nice (but haven't played much yet). Thanks! Doesn't unmount cleanly, though.
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