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 Ghouls and Ghosts remixreleaseBack
   (14 votes)
Filesize:12.53 Mb
Added:Oct 26, 2013
Updated:Feb 1, 2015
Package Author: ptitSeb
Ghouls and Ghosts remix
Ghouls and Ghosts remix is a c++ remake of the classic Ghouls and ghosts with some addiction taked from Ghouls and ghosts, Ghosts and goblins and Super ghouls and ghosts.

The code of this game its developed under GNU/GPL.
All the graphics and sound are copyright by capcom, you can play this game only if you have
the following original roms: ghosts'n goblins (arcade), ghouls'n ghosts (arcade),
super ghouls'n ghosts (SNES and Nintendo GBA) and demon's crest (SNES).

Default Keys are:

DPad to Move
X to Fire
B to Jump

Now with C4A support.
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Ghouls and Ghosts remix ver:
Author: Valar Soft
Website: -
Ghouls and Ghosts remix Ghouls and Ghosts remix is a c++ remake of the classic Ghouls and ghosts with some addiction taked from Ghouls and ghosts, Ghosts and goblins and Super ghouls and ghosts. IMPORTANT LICENSE NOTICE: The code of this game its developed under GNU/GPL. All the graphics and sound are copyright by capcom, you can play this game only if you have the following original roms: ghosts'n goblins (arcade), ghouls'n ghosts (arcade), super ghouls'n ghosts (SNES and Nintendo GBA) and demon's crest (SNES). Default Keys are: DPad to Move X to Fire B to Jump Now with C4A support

GPLv2+ - source code
Additional Info
Here is Ghouls and Ghosts remix, a remake of Ghouls and Ghost...

This game use Allegro 4 and is quite heavy on the blits (which are non accelerated), so I had to code some auto frameskip code (and simplify the fog in first level).
It runs ok now, but on CC/Rebirth, an overclock to 800MHz is advised.

Default keys are:
DPad to move
{X} to Fire
{B} to Jump

But the keys can be modified in option menu (use "Left" to enter a submenu).

You can find a video of the gameplay on the Pandora from Ingoreis here: http://youtu.be/_wesie1yAKw

History log
Build 05
* Added some more optim
* Gameplay more smooth
* Added missing magic for some weapons (using existing one)

Build 04
* Fresh compile
* Added C4A Support (with forced options)

Build 03
* Added Warning in PXML about the ripped graphics
* Corrected Keymapper and various options screen
* Last level remembered now.

Build 02
* Added music (thanks mcobit).
* Some more optimizations

Build 01
* Initial release
* Added auto frameskip
* Some code optimizations
* Some customization for OpenPandora

A thread is open here: http://boards.openpandora.org/topic/14743-ghouls-and-ghosts-remix/
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19/04/2015 06:21 UTC
Fun and works great. This seems to be another one of those ones that I don't seem to be too good at. I will complete it some day.
02/02/2015 19:47 UTC
Great port...i could never make it run so good, i'm happy that i suggested to take care of this port, now the game is really playable on my CC pandora even at 600Mhz. Thanks
16/03/2014 22:15 UTC
Great port and looks and sounds superb on the Pandora. 5/5..real class act and real hard too ;)
28/10/2013 12:20 UTC
Great fun! One small gripe i do have is that changes made on the options menu aren't saved so every time you run the software you have to adjust settings to your liking.
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